Dogechain Remembers - The Middle Ages.

17 Sep 2023, 09:06
Dogechain Remembers - The Middle Ages 🏰 By the end of August 2022, the Dogechain mainnet had been chugging along for nearly 3 weeks and getting incredible traction. 💯 Hundreds of dApps had already launched on the chain, and five times as many #meme tokens. ♠️ And although the chain was striving, the team had another ace up its sleeve to increase user engagement and TVL. The clear answer was the $DC token, a validator incentive and governance asset native to the chain. This token would allow community members to participate in the staking mechanism of the Dogechain network and take part in important governance and DAO decisions. 🤝 Moreso, as a community-first project, the majority of these tokens were reserved for the users themselves. To reinforce this principle, 3% of the entire supply of $DC was to be airdropped to every user that bridged $DOGE on the chain. 🪂 This so-called “Early Shibes Airdrop” generated even more attention for the chain of memes and dreams. Soon after the $DC token was launched and the airdrop snapshot was taken, Dogechain’s metrics were going through the roof! +30 Million transactions +300k Wallets +330 Million $DOGE Bridged over +2.5 million transactions in 24h $DC tokens were initially available on decentralized exchanges: 🔹 @QuickswapDEX 🔹 @fraxfinance 🔹 @Uniswap But were soon picked up by major centralized exchanges like: 🔹 @MEXC_Official 🔹 @gate_io 🔹 @HTX_Global 🔹 @kucoincom And many others! Within the first month, $DC reached a $45 million 24-hour trading volume, an incredible feat during the 2022 crypto winter. A true glimmer of hope for the #Dogecoin community and the blockchain space as a whole.