Meme Revolution Ruleset.

30 Jun 2023, 18:50
Meme Revolution Ruleset! 📜👇 After debating with the community, builders, ambassadors,and the team, the Meme Revolution on Dogechain is ready to go. We gathered valuable feedback, and made some changes to the ruleset we initially published. The Meme Revolution will be carried out in 3 phases: Phase 1 - The Social Battle 🥊 In this phase, community members and projects will be able to reply to the Revolution Tweet from the Dogechain Twitter account and mention their meme token. 🔸 The community will be able to engage with their reply to gather points (like = 1 pt, retweet = 2 pts, comment = 3 pts, mention = 5pts). 🔸 The Social Battle will last for 5 days. 🔸 The Dogechain team will select up to 10 projects (instead of the previous 3) that will go in the next phase. To be eligible for Phase 2, projects need to be tradeable on Dogechain DEXes, have their liquidity locked, a verified contract, and have at least $1000 of liquidity. ⚠️ Disclaimer: the Dogechain team reserves the right to disqualify participants upon suspicion of engagement manipulation. Phase 2 - The DAO Vote 🗳 In this phase, veDC holders will be able to vote for their preferred projects on from the 10 that managed to go through the Social Battle. 🔸 Voters can vote for multiple projects and multiple times. 🔸 veDC will remain locked for the duration of the vote. Phase 3 - Investment phase 💸 In this phase, the DAO will invest in the projects that made it to the DAO vote. 🔸 The DAO will invest $20,000 worth of $DC tokens in up to 10 meme tokens, over the course of 2 months. 🔸 The investment timeframes will not be revealed to avoid frontrunning. 🔸 The investment size will be proportional to the percentage of the votes each project receives during the DAO Vote. Note that we shortened the investment timeframe with the goal to carry out multiple DAO investment rounds, back to back. This first Meme Revolution will serve to test the temperature of the ecosystem, as well as project and voter participation.